Hi I'm Emily! I'm a Beekeeper & This Is BeeFit!

Hi I'm Emily! I'm a Beekeeper & This Is BeeFit!

Hey friend! First I want to say WELCOME to the home base of BeeFit. I am so happy to have you here reading my very first “bee journal” post. This website has been a long time coming, it’s crazy how much there is to learn about this stuff! Anyway, here is where I will be posting more in depth articles of both bees and beekeeping and me, my mind, and what it is to be in your 20s chasing after your dreams!

Now not everything I say in these posts will ever be represented as 100% facts as beekeeping is one of those things that we are always learning and improving upon old beliefs. Because, let’s face it…we aren’t bees so we will never truly know. But, we can observe and speculate and test out theories and hypotheses we may have. 

I started beekeeping 4 years ago when a friend of mine said their parents had beehives that they didn’t know what to do with. His dad had gone in with another beekeeper on some hives to pollinate his apple trees. But, when the beekeeper backed out… He was left with 2 built out hives (no bees) but no beekeeper. So he said “if you throw bees in them you can have ‘em”. So…I looked up online “where to buy bees that can be shipped to your door”. HAHA! Not the best way to go about getting bees as it is ideal to bring in bees that are local and adapted to your climate. But, I pulled the trigger and ordered 2 packages from Georgia. I knew nothing about bees. But, before I knew it my bees were here on my door step and the rest was history!

I could have never guessed if you had told me 4 years ago that I would eventually become a beekeeper and pursue a career in beekeeping, as this was what I was put on this planet to do. But, here I am now up to nearly 100 colonies. The next couple years are going to be interesting to say the least. I am planning to expand with my partner Kasey, aka The Terrible Beekeeper, so that in the next year or two we can go full time in our bee business. And hey maybe one day we'll make moves towards commercial beekeeping. We’ll see, nothing is off the table. Where ever the bees lead me is where I’ll go. 

On another note, on top of building a bee business life over here has been changing so so fast. Over the last year I left a unhealthy relationship I was in for 8 years, moved away from my home town, ended my professional track and field career, and have completely hit the restart button on my life. The last 8 months have been a crazy rollercoaster of learning who I am, who I want to be, and reminding myself that even though things may get tough. JUST KEEP GOING. With so many unknowns and not knowing if things will truly work out how you hope in life it can be so easy to let that overwhelm you. But, one of the things running taught me was that belief in yourself is the most important aspect to your life. I’ve been running since I was 15. I specialized in the 800m, what I like to call the longest sprint in track. HA! Every time I stepped to the line, it didn’t matter who I was racing against. Olympians, college athletes, you name it. If I did not believe whole heartedly that I was going to win that race then I didn’t even stand a chance. I might as well take the loss before the race even started. But, the mind is a powerful tool. And, if used correctly it can take you to some pretty amazing places. So, even in those unknowns, knowing that it is possible and you WILL make it your reality is honestly the key to this whole thing called life. 

But, I’ll wrap it up there. More to come very soon! If there are any topics you would like me to talk about feel free to leave them in the box below :)

Have a BEEautiful day!

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