North American Honey Bee Expo

North American Honey Bee Expo

This past weekend Kasey and I made the trek down to Louisville KY for the North American Honey Bee Expo. The expo is an annual event for beekeepers of every level to help get you better prepared for the upcoming season. With every ticket you are granted access to a stacked line up of speakers, Kamon if your reading this you really made it difficult on who to pick for each time slot because some of these talks were absolutely invaluable!

So Kasey and I didn’t really know what to expect when going to the expo, it definitely was much bigger than I had pictured. After you walk through the external doors there are another set of doors that bring you inside to the main exposition area where vendors set up shop with everything you could possibly think of when it comes to beekeeping. Now this is truly the part that the blew me away. Some of the products that were at this expo are at the forefront in innovation in beekeeping. So if you want to know where beekeeping is headed this was definitely the expo to be at. We saw a smoker that doesn’t require real smoke or a fire, we saw a new way to configure your hive for better brood production and overwintering survivability. We saw an attachment that you place on the side of a hive that attracts sunlight and helps keep your hive dry and warm during the winter. Some of the things our fellow beekeepers have thought of are mind blowing. Like did you know that they are making honey extractors with AI?!

Here is a recap of the weekend!

🐝Behind-the-Scenes at the North American Honey Bee Expo / Beekeeping 101 #beekeeping


WHAT'S IN MY BAG?! North American Honey Bee Expo / Part 2 / Beekeeping 101 #beekeeping

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