• Why Care About Honey Bees?

    Without these adorable fuzzy (yes, they are fuzzy!) insects, our world wouldn't be the same. One bee can pollinate 5,000 flowers PER DAY! Still, in today's ever-evolving environment, honey bees need a helping hand more than ever.

  • What is raw honey?

    Honey in its raw form undergoes a gentle straining process before it's bottled up, no need for pasteurization or heating like your conventional grocery store honey. By sidestepping the heat, essential vitamins, antioxidants, and amino acids stay locked in for top-notch perks.

  • Why do bees swarm?

    There are two reactions when people spot a bunch of bees on a tree: 1) freak out at the 'beepocalypse' in their yard. 2) get intrigued by the sight. But have no fear as these individuals are simply passing through in their quest for a new abode. Honey bee swarms can frequently be captured without protective gear. This is due to their gentle disposition when they are without a hive to defend.